Bend is often known for being the location where Breedlove Guitars was founded, however, there are also a handful of nationally known boutique guitar builders in the area. These Central Oregon instrument builders are featured in the September edition of Bend Magazine.

Turning 50 Years And 50 Guitars In February, 2022
While turning 50 years old this month, I’ll be stringing up my 50th Urlacher Guitar. There are a lot of things I could write about for this post but I keep coming back to gratitude. Gratitude that I found my way into guitar building 20 years ago which has been a magical journey and big part of my life. Being “self-taught” does not mean I have taught myself. It does mean that I’ve had to piece my education together. I have extreme gratitude for these individuals that I’ve met along the way who have supported, guided, inspired and instructed.
Larry Davis – from the very start, providing me with amazing woods and giving me necessary nudges along the way to “get my work out there”.
Dustin Furlow – for recognizing my guitars in a sea of beautiful and inspiring handmade instruments. It is beyond rewarding to hear you play on an Urlacher Guitar.
Butch Boswell – someone I share daily joys and successes of guitar building with, and also the hardships that we all experience in this business. Guitar building is not easy! Butch is among the very best at problem solving and building guitars that play flawlessly. His depth of knowledge and eye for detail are second to none. Butch’s friendship has been invaluable.
Larry Pattis – a friend not only in guitar building and music, but in all areas of life. Larry’s music has been a constant sweet reminder over the years, “why I build guitars”.
Anders Sterner – the most talented and kind human being I’ve had the pleasure to get to know. I met Anders after having built only a couple guitars. At this time I had no intention to continue guitar building as a lifelong passion. Anders opened up a world of possibilities for me. Even though Anders and I build completely different instruments (classical vs. steel-string), my “sound” has derived from ideas and concepts that Anders and I have discussed over the years. Anders’ support and influence have been monumental.
Ervin Somogyi – a leader and teacher. Work that has influenced so many builders including myself. Grateful to have spent a little time at the Somogyi shop learning ideas of what it takes to build a responsive guitar *and* to hear one of Ervin’s incredible instruments with my own ears.
Leo Buendia – building the finest examples, in my opinion, of what a guitar can be both aesthetically and tonally. Creative and inspiring designs coupled with impeccable craftsmanship. It is less difficult to build a great guitar when you have first seen and heard what a great guitar looks and sounds like.
Ben Wilborn – a positive force in this field. I love talking to Ben at shows and of course getting to hear Frog & Toad perform on Ben’s innovative Wilborn creations.
Kathy Wingert – always willing to share ideas and experiences. Learning of Kathy’s work was important to me when starting out. Back in 2002, there were just a small handful of women building guitars and being recognized in the world of lutherie. Kathy was proof that a women *can* do this.