Bend is often known for being the location where Breedlove Guitars was founded, however, there are also a handful of nationally known boutique guitar builders in the area. These Central Oregon instrument builders are featured in the September edition of Bend Magazine.

Dustin Furlow on his Redwood / Walnut concert guitar
In October of 2023, Dustin took possession of this Redwood/ Walnut beauty. Dustin expressed interest in a Redwood guitar that would compliment the tone of his Rosewood/Spruce guitars. Given that I live in Oregon, we thought it would be neat to go with Pacific Northwest timbers. The Redwood top was reclaimed from an old beam that lined a tunnel in Southern Oregon; it is know as “Tunnel 14 Redwood”. The Walnut used for the back and sides is the Claro species. Claro Walnut grows along the Pacific Coast of the USA.
Listen and watch the Urlacher Concert Guitar “Maggies Reel” song by Al Petteway